7 days full body weight workout (beast mode)


Beast mode

This program designed for loosing fat and building muscles at once… sculpting body to be clear

It helps the body start a new routine for beginners and for those who came back to restart training even for those who are already training you can use it as an introduction workout or at the end

It’s based on body weight so you won’t have any troubles with equipment and helps you start calisthenics for those who struggles with pull ups

It may be hard but it enables the full body potential and allow a good shape and build strength

The workout is a set of 7 sheets for seven days

Day 1: this workout is a set of 5 exercice of basic calesthenics it helps you loose fat while putting muscles under tension

Day 2: this hiit program will make you sweat and loose fat certainly

Day 3: this workout aims to build your full body muscles and strength so that you wont struggle at squats and push ups

Day 4:as known core is the part that make the body balanced and give an attractive look when its shredded

Day 5: this fasted cardio will make you loose fat while maintaining a good cardiovascular health

Day 6: a set of exercice to master the pull up without neglecting other body parts

Day 7: the last one is hiit so that you can know if your stamina is increasing or not




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